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How To Change Facebook Profile Name After Crossing Limit

How To Change Facebook Profile Name After Crossing Limit

Facebook is best social networking site as we know and they always try to make more facebook simple for using and try introducing what is treading or what the people want. But Facebook have some policies & guidelines for using their features and options in correct manner without producing spams. Facebook usage terms never allow any account to use any feature in excessive way. But now days Facebook has built the best and responsive help center. Now for many of the features which are not publicly available, you can request to Facebook Customer help support for solution.
Today we are going to discuss about the another feature from the Facebook help support team after request to change Facebook profile name after crossing limit. As per rule you are eligible to change name for particular account 4,5 times only.  After crossing limit you are not able to change Facebook profile name again. You are only able to change name from 5 listed names. So don’t worry if you have crossed limit and want to change Facebook profile name. Then no need to worry you have another chance to get your real name back on your personal account. Their are number of most popular facebook hacks about which users are not aware. Provide many features which helps a lot. Today here we will discuss about how to change Facebook profile name after limit.

How To Change Facebook Profile Name After Crossing Limit.

  • One government or any Id Proof which show your image and name clearly.
  • Choose your own Profile pic same of that person in id person.
  • Little bit common sense also ;).
change name limit fb

Change Facebook Profile Name Request Form.

  • Make sure that your account change name limit is full from account settings. They show this message.
“You can’t update your name right now because you’ve already changed it too many times”
  • If you want to request then you need fill Facebook official form to request change name.
  • Open this form from that account whose name you want to change.
  • Now you need to enter the accurate information in request form.
  • Enter the accurate First, middle and then last new name in form which you want.
  • Then select the reason for changing name.
  • Then upload Image of your correct document which clearly show the name you are using.
  • Next, click on the send button and wait for a week for request approval.
change facebook profile name request form
Sometimes Facebook doesn’t accept request change name request and they may mention the reason in your email. So try to resolve issue if possible then again try to change Facebook profile name.
In conclusion, we hope this article will be helpful for you. For any suggestions or queries, feel free to write to us in comments below.

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