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How To Add Hidden/Invisible Admin On Facebook Page

How To Add Hidden/Invisible Admin On Facebook Page

Facebook pages are best place for sharing latest updates, thoughts, discussion based topics and also for marketing and promoting products and website for earning. Facebook pages grow faster than individual profile or any group. There are lots of pages with millions+ likes and increasing day by day. Due to popularity of pages at large extend there are number cases increases day by day of page got hacked by someone. To keep protect pages its necessary to know about the methods and techniques used by them to make fool others.
Today i am going to discuss about using hidden admin on Facebook page. It this i am not teaching to use this trick with others. This is just to make you aware about and keep in mind that before getting page from someone with any deal be sure about that is there any hidden admin on page or not. This hidden admin method is also have benefit suppose when if someone remove you from page then by hidden you can get back your page. So if you want to know how to add hidden admin on pages just follow below steps.
Important Note:- Facebook had fixed all the bug related hidden admin. It is not working anymore. Sorry for this inconvenience but if want to try feel free and learn how this process was actually works. If it currently works for you kind let me know in comments.
  •  New gmail account which is not linked with any Facebook account.
  • We check this working for gmail. But we are not sure about other email services just try on your behalf.
  • Little bit common sense which trick implementation

Steps To Add Hidden Admin on Facebook Page

  • On Your Facebook Page in which you want to add hidden admin.
  • Go To Edit Page >> Manage Admins
  • Then in the box of Add new admin Simple Add fresh gmail account which is not connected with any Facebook account
hidden email
  • Then enter your password and the code of security check box.
  • Nothing will be appear in admin panel and all appears normal just
    like before adding email as admin no changes in the totals admin.
  • Your Hidden admin is added successfully.

How To Unhidden Admin On Facebook Page

After adding new email in page you will get email from Facebook in your gmail account about page invitation.
future if someone remove you then to get page back you need to unhide
your email. Suppose if you need make hidden admin as page manager you
have two different method.
Method 1:- Add your hidden admin email into any account Where want manager or that page.
Method 2:- Create new account with hidden email.

add hidden email
  • After adding email in your account.
  • Then open your invitation email of Facebook page in gmail.
  •  Then click on Join Page Button as shown below.

make hidden admin
  • Now Your account will become manager page automatically.
I hope you like this hidden admin trick and find this helpful.
This trick is very useful for protection purpose. I request everyone
please don’t misuse of this method.
If you find this trick helpful feel free to share it with others. If you have any question must leave precious comment.

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